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Carmen Anderson

The Work of

Carmen Anderson

Studio Location  
Hong Kong
Mailing Address
United States
Artist's Statement
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Alisa's toy theatre

Carmen Anderson Alisa's toy theatre
Alisa's toy theatre
Time flies when you're having fun. Playing dollhouse with Alisa has to be one of my favorite things to do. Alisa has a wonderful imaginative mind (like all children, which is precious) and she really has the sweetest personality! Amazing things always happen in our dollhouse. One day Darth Vader would come and have dinner with Minnie Mouse. The next Mickey Mouse would eat flowers and end up with a tummy ache. But my favorite so far had to be the ice cream shop that served noodles and cheese balls and no ice cream.
The Magical Taxi tour

Carmen Anderson The Magical Taxi tour
The Magical Taxi tour
CLASS: Drawings
The Magical Taxi Ride. I love all those night time taxi rides home from my parents house with my daughter. She always get very excited with all the neon signs and bright lights. "Mommy look! A big bus!" "Another big bus" "Another big bus!" "mommy look! buildings so tall" "Man driving car!" "Red light stop! Green light go!" "Mini bus, Minnie Mouse bus!" I cherish all these little journeys with just the two of us, where I get to share her sense of wonder through her eyes. This picture is for her. I hope she will know how much I love those taxi rides. And I hope she will remember them as fondly as I will
The sleepy bus rides

Carmen Anderson The sleepy bus rides
The sleepy bus rides
CLASS: Drawings
The Sleepy Bus Rides. Alisa always gets super excited when I tell her we are going on a big bus. She likes to skip to the bus stop happily while singing "the wheels on the bus". And while waiting impatiently, she would try to convince me to get on every bus that comes along. But many times when we finally got onto one, she'd fall asleep
A Lucky Patient

Carmen Anderson A Lucky Patient
A Lucky Patient
CLASS: Drawings
There are days where it's hard to get out of bed. But I don't have any sick leave. Being a mom is a 24/7 job. The cats need to be fed, the laundry need to get done. When I get sick I've still got to pull it all together! Luckily, when I feel like that, my daughter Doctor Alisa comes to "fix mommy". She says things like, "Say Ahhh mommy," and "let me listen to mommy's tummy," or "Pink one medicine for mommy" and always with success, "Mommy is all better now". I am a lucky patient!
Family Life

Carmen Anderson Family Life
Family Life
CLASS: Drawings
We all need our personal time and one of my favorite things to do at home is to hangout with my family on the couch. Every night for 15-20 mins we would all be in our little worlds while still being together. My hubby likes to read a book or check his emails, Sasa likes to watch her favorite cartoon while snacking on fruits. And I would take that time to draw
Cinderella Horsey

Carmen Anderson Cinderella Horsey
Cinderella Horsey
CLASS: Drawings
We bought a hand vacuum when we moved into our new apartment months ago and we still haven't upgraded it to a proper one. I still kneel on the floor to vacuum. My husband said I look like Cinderella when I vacuum. But I know my daughter doesn't think so, she likes to climb on my back and goes "mommy horsey!"

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